Website Accessibility Lawsuit

Many laws in the U.S. support the right for all people to be treated equally, and to not be discriminated against simply because they happen to have a disability. If you violate any of these laws, then you can find yourself defending your business in a lawsuit.

An office girl checking website accessibility and ADA compliance.

What Do I Do If I Am Served With An Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Website Compliance Compliant?

First off, don’t panic, but do know, acting quickly in this situation is the key to successfully defending these lawsuits.

We work with businesses who have been sued for alleged violations of The Americans With Disabilities Act Title 42 U.S.C. 12101 and 12181. You are going to want to contact a law firm who has experience when it comes to the legal side and defending your rights. If you suspect this lawsuit to be fake, we still recommend contacting a law firm just to make sure and we can help you select the right one.

Website Remediation

You will most likely need to put a temporary website up that is compliant with ADA guidelines, put up an accessibility, and/or begin making changes to the current website based on federal and universal guidelines.

There are no definitive laws around this subject though but the courts, through various rulings, have provided guidance. With all the clients we work with, we push web accessibility outcomes that are necessary proactive.

A woman makes sure website accessibility is ADA compliant.

We make your website more accessible so that you can provide a better service to your customers and avoid the risk to further suits in the future.

Ready to Talk?

Make Your Website Accessible to Everyone